
Monday, November 25, 2013

A work in Progress?

Hello and Happy Monday to ya!  Is anyone else ridiculously excited for Thanksgiving?!  I know I'm counting down the days :)  More food than I can handle?!  Yes, please!

In the midst of the holiday madness, I've been trying to work on some projects for P too.  And this past week, I created a little painting for her room!

I wanted to do a Shakespearian quote that I found and love, along with this beautiful stencil in the background.  Feels very elegant, I think.  So to start, I mixed up a light gray color, and then aligned my stencil with the corner of the canvas.

My guys worked on a little 'painting' too :)

There wasn't a whole lot of scientific method involved.  I just sorta eyeballed the spacing I liked.  And I wasn't super precise about how filled in the stencil was.  I liked the kinda faded/rough look it gave it. (a perfectionist, I am not)

Then, to make sure I wrote in a straight line, I laid out three lines with painters tape.  (so maybe I have a  LITTLE perfectionist in me :P)

I had typed the quote up on the computer, and tried to just recreate the look of the font I used.

Here's were the 'in progress' part happened.  I really wanted this to be all pink and gray, which is the colors I'm going for in her room.  So, I pulled out this pink and started painting over my lettering.

But it just sorta got lost in the gray stencil.  And I wanted the quote to stand out.  In hindsight, I probably should have done the stencil in pink, and the lettering in gray.  Live and learn!  But, before I painted over the whole thing and started over, I wanted to try something else.

Enter plan B- Black :)  I painted over the letters, and it definitely made the quote stand out more!

Finished, for now!

I love it, but can't help but think it needs a little something else.  Maybe some pretty pink flowers?  A feather or two?  Some glitter?  I can't decide.  What do you think?  Maybe once I get it hung up in her pink room, I'll decide that the simplicity works best.  We shall see!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Happy Hooker

So, I have a little secret.  

I hang out a lot on the corner of 5th and Vine.....

Only kidding!  Please tell me you didn't believe that.  And if you did, we need to talk :P

Actually, I like to crochet!  It's something that I started in college, believe it or not.  I remember many late nights, hanging out with my neighbors in the dorm, watching American Idol and working on the blanket that I gave to my then boyfriend.  He's stuck around all this time, so it must have been an amazing blanket :D (Also can you tell I was QUITE the party animal in college?!)

Anywho, its something that I kinda do for a while, and then I don't pick up my hook for months, and then I get back into it.  And remember how much I enjoy it!  I like to make baby blankets for people, scarves, and I've even done coffee cup cozy's!

Well, I figure with a new little one about to be here, its time to pick up my hook again!  And its been a lot of fun :)  Here's some little beanies I've made for P.

I need to start a blanket for her.  And finish the one I have started for Gage.  Better late than never right?  I'm also working on some Christmas gifts.  And I might get really sassy and attempt a pair of booties for baby girl :)

If you're interested in trying out a new crafty hobby, I totally recommend crocheting!  Check out YouTube for tutorials.  And once you learn a couple basic stitches, you are good to go!  I recently discovered Ravelry, which is a great website full of patterns and tutorials.  And of course Pinterest is always a great place to lose a few hours of your day find some inspiration.

So how about you?  Any secrets to share? ;)  

Monday, November 18, 2013

Feeling Super

Hello and happy Monday to ya! Hope you had a fantastic weekend.

So the title of today's post is actually a bit of a farce.  I actually managed to come down with a wicked cold this weekend :( so I'm not really feeling super today. BUT, I am managing to feel a bit better already, thanks to one Super food: kale

Along with lots of water, vitamin C and rest, I'm packing this leafy green veggie in wherever I can!  My favorite way to eat it- in a smoothie!  Kale definitely has a distinct, almost bitter taste.  But pop it in a smoothie, and you don't even know it's there!

Blueberry Kale Smoothie
1 c vanilla almond milk
1 banana
1-2 leaves of kale, stem removed
1/2-1 c frozen blueberries

Mix on high until smooth and enjoy!

I also made a kale soup the other day, and enjoy kale chips on the regular.  Check out all the benefits of this awesome leafy green!

Well I'm going to go have a smoothie, and try to get some rest!  What are some of your favorite remedies for dealing with colds?

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Hitting the Bullseye!

Hey hey!  So today, during my weekly Target run, I managed to score a pretty sweet deal.  And thought I'd share.

Now before I explain how it went down, let me say that I am by no means a couponing expert.  I wish I was, and I'm trying to learn.  But I AM cheap :)  So I try to make sure something is a good deal before spending the money.  And this, my friends, was a good deal!

Whenever I go to Target, I always browse the kids clothing areas.  Specifically the clearance racks.  Sometimes I go weeks without finding anything good.  Which is why I check often.  Have you seen the cuteness Target comes out with?!  can'  So today, I scored all of this for $16.82!!

That's roughly $2.10 per item!  Original retail on this little lot was $69, which means I got a 75% savings :)  Queue happy dance!!

So I found all of this on clearance.  Then, Target's Cartwheel app has  2 Circo coupons, each offering 15% off.  That saved me $2.50.  Plus I received a coupon in the mail for $4 of your kids clothing purchase of $20 or more.  Bringing it down to $16.82.

If you are on the lookout for clothes for the kiddos, check Targets clearance.  And download their Cartwheel app!  I know it makes me a humongous dork, but I get SO excited when I find a deal like this.  So I have to share with all of you :D  Hope you manage to score some good stuff too!!

Monday, November 11, 2013

56 Days

Hello and happy Monday!  How was your weekend?  Mine was fun, stressful, but overall fulfilling :)

Since its been about a month, guess what time it is again?!  Pregnancy update time!  I've been falling behind in taking pictures.  Well and really, I've been falling behind in everything these days!  Thank goodness I have an amazing husband who is willing to cook at night.  Cuz if it was up to me, by 6:00 each night, I'd be fixing bowls of cereal and calling it good :)

So I had a bit of a reality check/freak out the other day.  My due date is less than 60 days away!  And we still have three holidays and a move to get through in that time!!  But you know what?  It'll all get done, and we'll just take it one step at a time.  Knowing that I wasn't taking my usual weekend pics, I've been trying to snap a couple here and there when I feel like I look decent haha!  So this is at 29ish weeks.

And then this is about 31 weeks.

Baby girl definitely looks a little lower in that second picture!  I've started going to the doctors every two weeks now.  I actually got to meet one of the nurse midwives last week, and she is AMAZING!  I'm glad that so far I like 95% of the people in my practice.  But go figure I'll probably end up delivering with the one guy who just kinda leaves me scratching my head.  Like I honestly have NO idea how to read him!

Right now baby P is measuring about a week behind, so we'll see how that plays out at the end.  I'd love to not be induced this time, but you never know!  She is crazy active all the time, which is both fun and makes me almost pee my pants sometimes.  I'm still dealing with insomnia, and just a lot of discomfort while I sleep.  I crave lots of sweets, but thats also kinda normal for me.  My sweet tooth is a little out of control :)  I also randomly find myself STARVING at about 10:30 every morning.  And I eat breakfast everyday.  So now I'm eating four meals a day.  Don't judge

My newest symptom though- Braxton Hicks!  Ugh!!!  I don't remember feeling a single one with Gage.  But this time around, they are brutal.  We walk every evening, and by the time we are done, I am having painful Braxton Hicks contractions.  I don't want to give up the walking, as ultimately I feel like its really good for me.  But I do wish that each walk didn't end in pain and a sore belly :(  

While I feel like the end is rocketing towards me, I'm also trying to slow down and truly appreciate this time.  This time of just being a family of three.  And this time of being pregnant.  Even though it comes with aches and pains, its still an amazing process.  Feeling her move and seeing her grow, is just incredible!  And this is most likely the last time I will ever be pregnant.  So I want to savor it :)  And the fact that being pregnant means I can eat four times a day, guilt free!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Monday Musings

Waiting is my favorite thing to do!  Said no one ever.

I'm sitting here looking at my November calendar and feeling... stuck.  Stuck waiting.  October was crazy busy, with several things going on each week.  Hence why I've been a little MIA here.  And so far, November is looking like the opposite.  None of the 'fun stuff' is happening until December.  Or at least the end of November.  Because what pregnant chick isn't looking forward to the face-stuffing-fest that is Thanksgiving, amiright?!

But as I look at December and think, we'll be moving, we'll be unpacking, we'll be setting up the new house, CHRISTMAS, we'll become a family of FOUR!  I can't help thinking that I want all the cool stuff to just hurry up and get here!

But I know that is just not realistic.  To just wait.  In the meantime, there really is so much to DO!  I just need to get my booty in gear!  And get my creative juices flowing agin :)  I've been feeling in a crafty mood, so I'm going to make myself work on a couple little projects.  This house isn't going to pack itself, and I want to be that crazy organized packer who has color coding and spread sheets.  So I better get on that.

So even though I'm feeling stuck today, I'm going to come up with a plan, and make the most of these next few weeks.  Because I know its going to be the middle of December, and I'm going to be thinking man, I wish I just had a little more time, to wait!

Monday, October 14, 2013

P is for....

Hey all!  Hope you had a lovely weekend!  We spent lots of time trying to fix my poor hubbies iPad, which he busted :(  and then lots of down time trying to keep this cold from getting any worse.  But last week I took a few minutes to complete a little project for baby girl's nursery, and I'm really happy with how it turned out!

So a couple of things.  One, I haven't gotten to start on the actual nursery yet.  And I'm kinda starting to get this itch.  We are trying to figure out whether or not we will be moved before this little one arrives, so I can't really do anything to a room until that gets sorted out.  In the meantime, I have all these plans and ideas floating around in my head and, to satisfy the itch, have decided to work on some little projects.

Such as her gallery wall!  I want to do a little collage of artwork, pictures, a mirror, and..... a monogram!  I picked up my supplies at Joanns a couple weeks ago, and finally got around to putting it together :)

Start with a wooden letter of your choice, and some scrapbook paper.  I love how girly and sweet this simple pink striped paper is!

Flip your letter over on the back side of your paper, and trace it.  You want to make sure you trace your letter backwards, so it looks right when you are all done :)


Then brush a layer of modge podge onto your letter to act as glue.

Once you have your paper glued down on your letter, apply another layer of modge podge over it.  This helps to almost 'seal' the letter, and will keep it looking great for a long time!

Voila!  It doesn't get much easier than that :)

I can just picture it with a scrolly little mirror, and some pictures, hanging above her crib.  Now if only we could get moved, I could make my dreams come true!  But that, friends, is a story for another day :)

Monday, October 7, 2013

27 wks!

Hello friendlies!  Since its been a month (holy cow how did THAT happen?!) I figured its time for another pregnancy update!

Apparently photographing yourself from the front in a black maternity top means that you don't even look pregnant.  So I'll try to avoid that in the future :)

But from the side view you can totally see it!  My belly is much pointier this time around.  Again, hard to tell from these pics, I'll try to get a better one this Sunday.  I also can really feel how big she is getting!  Lots of movement and belly twitching.  Plus I get out of breath or exhausted faster.

I feel decent most of the time, but I'm perpetually tired.  Insomnia has been rough, especially with some little boy that likes to wake up around 5:30!!!  But its all prep for when little one joins the outside world :)  Now that the weather is cooling off juuuuuust a touch, I'm trying to walk more.  We've gone for evening walks the last couple nights, and its been really nice!  Granted I move at a snails pace, but at least I'm trying.  

Two new symptoms have joined the pregnancy fun- heartburn and swelling.  By the end of my last pregnancy, these were both pretty bad, so I'm not surprised to be experiencing them again.  Not excited, but not surprised.  The heartburn is mild for now, as is the swelling.  But last time I was eating tums like candy, and walking on water balloons instead of feet :D

At only 13 wks to go, I feel like I should have some sense of urgency about accomplishing things for baby, but I'm just not there yet.  It will hit eventually, and its actually kind of nice to just be going with the flow for now :)  

Also, if you are pregnant, make sure you scour the clearance racks at Target and Gap on the regular!  I managed to find a pair of maternity jeans, in a long (my other freakishly tall ladies feel me on my excitement here) at Gap for $15!!  I was giddy :)  And plan to wear them every day once it gets cool.  And Target has some nice tanks marked down to $3.88 right now.  They'll be great to layer under a cardigan in cooler weather.  So check it out!

Have you scored anything super cheap that just made you want to share with the world?  Hope you're all having a great week!

Monday, September 30, 2013

What's in a name?

Hey y'all!  Happy Monday!  I picked up a little something while shopping the other day, and just wanted to share :)

So I don't know what motivates you when you are out shopping, but I'm a little all over the place.  Sometimes, I have a specific color, or 'vibe' I'm going for.  Sometimes I just want a top, but I'll go with whatever strikes my fancy.  Or I'm in the mood for something sparkly.  It just kinda depends on the day.  Well, last week Target had my favorite Essie nail polishes on sale, so I knew I wanted to get one.  Let me just pause here and say that Essie makes gorgeous nail polish!  The colors are so beautiful, and they really last.  For someone who's hands are always in dishwater, or bath water, thats super important.

Anywho, I knew I wanted some new polish, and that I wanted something pink.  Oh and something that would be a good color throughout the fall.  So not to neon or bright.  Normally when I put this many guidelines on what I'm looking for, I'm just not going to find it.  Like how hard is it to find an orange maternity shirt?  Apparently impossible when I want one.  But I digress.

I went in search of my perfect fall pink, and started picking things up off the shelf and casually reading the names.  Essie always manages to have cute names for their polishes :)  Which is when I found this gem.

Eternal Optimist.  I almost just tossed it in the basket after seeing that, without even really looking at the color.  I mean, who doesn't want a little optimism right on their fingers?!  But I stopped to check out the color.  Because at almost $8 a pop, this is not the cheapest nail polish.  And guess what?  Its gorgeous!

I gave myself a little mani/pedi yesterday, and I'm in love!  Its a beautiful neutral dusty pink.  Like a pink nude.  Love!  And every time I glance at the color, I think 'eternal optimism', and it makes me smile :)  A little reminder to look at the bright side!  I may start picking nail polishes purely by name from now on :)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

FALLing in Love

So reader be warned, this post is going to be all about food.  Actually, if you are hungry, I suggest grabbing a snack before going any further.

Got your snack?  Awesome, lets do this :)

For those of you who don't know, I'm pregnant.  Also probably not news, I live in central Florida.  So while I love fall, its not really a season we get here.  Instead, we have a shift in temperatures from 90 to 85, autumn decorations at Disney, and all things pumpkin flavored.  And let me tell you, I count down the days until that explosion of pumpkiny goodness.  Namely pumpkin ice coffees!

Can't you just taste that cold pumpkin goodness??  Just me?  Maybe its a heightened pregnancy sense, who knows.  And while this is a yearly classic for me, there are some new-to-me things I've tried this year that are rocking my life.

Pumpkin spice m&ms.  I am ashamed to admit I sat at the computer reading blogs one night and killed almost half a bag of these.  don't judge.

Dunkin has another slam dunk out this season (see what I did there?).  The pumpkin pie donut.  Basically its a frosted donut filled with pumpkin pie filling.  If you like pumpkin pie, you are going to flip out when you try this donut :)  I think between the donuts and the coffee, Dunkin is trying to put me in the poor house (and much larger pants) this season!!

I actually tried these little gems for the first time today.  The caramel apple milky way.  I picked up a bag out of curiosity.  I will be purchasing three more because they are magical.  Its basically a little wrapped bite of caramel and chocolate covered apple. 'Nuff said.
I also just tried this for the first time today too!  (stop it I can tell you are judging me!)  We thought today was 'Talk Like a Pirate' day at Krispy Kreme, and while going through the drive thru for our free glazed donuts, I couldn't help but sample their pumpkin treat too.  Unfortunately, talk like a pirate day is tomorrow.  Fortunately, the pumpkin cheesecake donut is freakin amazing!  And I'm not sad that I'll have to go back tomorrow for free donuts :)

So since I can't have fall weather, at least I can satisfy a craving for seriously bad for you fall food!  And now you can too!  Your welcome :)

ps. If you show up at Krispy Kreme in central florida DRESSED as a pirate, they will give you a dozen free glazed donuts!  Don't know if this is nation wide or not.  Challenge accepted anyone?

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Turning Two

Hello all!  How have you been?  It has been FOREVER since I've made a post.  Bad blogger, very bad.  In my defense, we have been sick, and then planning for a birthday party, so its been a little crazy around here.  Ok, enough with the excuses, onto the post!

So today officially marks our little guys second birthday.  Queue the tears.  I cannot believe that two whole years have passed since he joined our family!  I look at him and I am so in awe of what he can do, his sense of humor, everything.  All the personality packed into that small boy just blows my mind. This year we've watched him learn to walk and talk, and its been such an adventure.  He is so loud, and full of energy, and just says the funniest things.  To hear his tinny voice say 'I think so mommy' or 'I don't know eiiiiiiiither!' is precious.  To see him pick up any toy, declare it a hammer, and whack everything in sight drives me bananas!  But it is so very him.  To have him walk up and kiss my belly and say 'baby sister' melts my heart.  So to celebrate all of the amazing things that make our bean so very special, we wanted to throw him an awesome birthday party!

Anyone who knows our little guy, knows that anything with wheels is pretty much his jam.  Cars, tractors, construction equipment, Gage loves it all!  He also really digs the Cars movies.  So, we went for a Car theme this year!  We actually rented a room at Disney's Art of Animation Resort, a Cars suite.  And then had friends and family join us poolside :)  For a while I felt kinda like we were cheating.  I mean, I didn't make a ton of decorations, or cook any food, or plan a bunch of great games.  But I'm so glad we kept it simple this year!  With all of us being super sick the week before, I think I would have been crazy overwhelmed if we hadn't just done something easy.  And he still had a blast!  Rather than spend the day taking a bunch of pictures, I just sat back and enjoyed catching up with friends, and watching him have a good time :)  Took some time to just enjoy the moment.  He was so funny about opening presents.  He really wasn't interested, and just wanted to play with the very first thing he opened :)  And he tried to sing along when we sang 'happy birthday', and actually was excited to blow out his candle.  All in all it was a great day, that ended with a very worn out boy.

We only stayed at the resort for one night, but that was plenty.  Someone refused to sleep in his pack'n'play.  So after a night of being kicked in the back, I think we are all grateful to be in our own beds tonight :)
When we got home yesterday, we had one final gift to share with our little guy.  His first bike!  Dano was so excited to put it together for him :)  He considered it a sort of daddy right-of-passage.  And bean loves it!  I forsee many afternoons spent pushing him up and down the street :)

Well now I need to go find some tissues.  As much as I love to watch him learn and grow, its killing me that its all happening so quickly!  Slow down little boy!  Hope you all had a great weekend :)

Monday, August 26, 2013

Its a ...

Hi all and happy Monday!  We had our 21 wk ultrasound last Thursday, and got some exciting news :) We are expecting a little girl!  It feels so complete, we have our little man, and now we'll have a little miss.  I'm looking forward to adding bows and dolls to our current car and lego chaos :)

Now that I am 22 wks along, I think I'm starting to feel more physically.  I can really tell that I have to slow down at times.  And I've been having some sciatica issues, which are no fun.  I constantly stretch, or have Dano massage it, but its still unpleasant :(  I'm also getting a lot more movement from baby girl!  I feel like she is constantly bouncing and flipping throughout the day.  I'm just waiting now for the stronger kicks that Dano and beanie can feel :)

And with the announcement of a girl, comes excitement for all things girlie!  I'm so excited to do a beautiful soft nursery, and pick out sweet little girl clothes :)  Little boy clothes are definitely cute, and I have fun dressing Gage, but come on.  Its almost unfair how cute little girl things are!  I mean, ruffles on the butt?!?! tutus?!?!  How does anyone resist??  Oh and bloomies.  During the summer, she will be in a cute dress and bloomies  Its gonna happen :)  And since I am living in a land of pink and pretty, I thought I'd share some of my inspiration pics for the nursery!

How sweet is this?  I love the wall color and chandelier.  And that pale pink dresser is precious!

A pink accent wall?  I think I may just have to do it!  Dano told me to 'do whatever you want', so I plan to really make this a girlie and sweet space!

I love the idea of possibly adding a pop of contrasting color on the dresser.  Just to break up all the pink and gray :)

And wow.  Just wow.  Restoration Hardware knocked it out of the park with this one.  Knocked it out of range of my wallet, but its still gorgeous to look at :)  Oh and as pretty as that mirror is, it looks awfully heavy.  Don't know how I'd feel about something that ginormous hanging over my itty bitty baby.

So there you have it, a little pink and pretty for your Monday :)  This week I am attempting some potty training with little man.  I'm terrified and excited all at the same time!  So once I come out on the other side alive, I'll be sure to share!  Wish me luck :)

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Half Way There!

Hello and Happy Tuesday!  So I have to tell you, I had a total 'whoa, wait, really?' moment the other day.  I'm 20 wks pregnant!  Which means this pregnancy is half way over!  Ah I can't believe it!!  But I need to back track a little.  Since I haven't given an update in a couple weeks :)

These are my 18 wks pics.  Why is it that my belly feels hugemongous (yes thats a word)  but when I look at pictures, I feel like I don't look very pregnant?  I mean seriously, I feel like I have a basketball under my shirt, but no one else can tell.  Not that I'm super anxious to truly be that big.  Everything is sooo much more difficult once you reach that super sized stage of pregnancy :)

During week 18, I had a check up.  Just a boring routine one, and everything is right on track!  I was measuring 18 wks, and babies heart beat was 150.

Then I totally spaced and didn't take a picture for week 19.  But I did discover something new and delicious!  Have you tried Lays Dill Pickle chips?  If not, you should.  Like, right now.  They are a lot like a salt and vinegar chip, with a hint of dill.  I can feel my feet swelling just talking about them :)

And now I'm in week 20!  On the left is 20 wks with Gage, and the right is 20 wks with gummy bear.  I feel like I look exactly the same, except maybe I'm carrying a little higher?  Can't decide.  I'm starting to feel more movement.  As I type this, the baby feels like its trying to escape out of my right side.  No amount of rubbing and encouragement is making it better lol.  Also, this little one is very vocal about sleep position preferences.  If I lay on my right side for even a moment, I get really sore.  So I'll be sleeping exclusively on my left side for the next 20 wks :)  Oh, and getting up to pee 2-3 times in the night has started too.  I don't think that happened to me until much later on last time!  Fun times!

In other fun news, we have scheduled our anatomy scan!  August 22nd, we'll find out if we are team blue, or team pink.  I can't wait :)  I feel like once we know, the planning and fun can truly begin!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Making An Entrance

Hello friendlies!  Welcome back to part 2 of my little 'use what you've got' makeover!

So I left you with my newly created play area.  Which worked out so nicely that I just had to keep going :)  Enter our very boring entry way.

Not so inviting to just walk into huh?  Just a little shelf to kick your shoes under, and some pictures.  We can do better!

And all it took were some command strips, two coat hooks, and some mirrors I made a while ago.  I never could find the perfect spot for them, until now!

One command strip for each mirror :)  The mirrors are just wicker chargers that I glued round dollar store mirrors in the center of.

Then stick 'em to the wall!

I got hubby in on this project :)  Since I wanted to be able to actually hang things (like the diaper bag) the hooks needed to be placed in studs.

And voila!  I used the extra command strips to hang some pictures we already had on the other side.  A mini wall gallery, if you will :)  Oh, I also switched the breakfast nook and play area curtains.  These are so colorful and fun, which just works for a play area!

So now we have a functional, prettier space to greet us when we walk in the door.  And I always know where my keys are, for now :)  

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Switching It Up!

Hiya!  How are you?  I finally feel like I'm coming out of the cloud of tissues and orange juice that surrounded me all weekend :)  Even my poor hubs has ended up sick!  But after a morning spent hitting everythinginthehouse with disinfectant spray, I feel like the germs are finally leaving us :)

Its the end of no spend month, so how about a little no spend makeover?!  This is part one, I'll show you the rest of our little transformation tomorrow. 

Do you ever have a space that just makes you feel itchy?  That's how our 'dining room' made me feel.  I put it in quotes because its really just a part of the living room, that happens to have an overhead light fixture in it.  Have I mentioned that the house we are renting has some serious layout issues?  Like the breakfast nook and dining room are basically the same size, and in the same space?!  Bizarre.

Anywho, back to my itch.  Our dining room (pictured above)  was completely unused and nonfunctional.  It pretty much ended up being a dumping ground.  Oh, and another area to decorate during the holidays :)  But I think something important about making a home work, is using spaces how you see fit, not necessarily how they were designed to function.

So after being over the gigantic round table, that just doesn't work in this house, I decided to do a great furniture shuffle.   And turn our dining area into a play area!  Oh, did I also mention that we got a bunch of furniture with the rental?  So lame.  You should see our garage /shudder.

But the name of the game is work with what you've got, right?

So I moved bean's little Ikea shelf out of the corner by the couch, and brought it over to the dining area.  I pulled out a rug I've had sitting in the spare room doing nothing, and set up his little table and chairs.  It didn't take two minutes for Gage to come over and claim his space.  So at least he will find the area more functional :)

I also moved the painting I made a while back, to hang over his toy storage area.  It helps the space feel more complete, instead of feeling like 'hey this is where we dump the toys'.  The room has been like this for about two weeks, and its been a total 'why didn't we do this sooner' moment!!  It gives Gage so much more room to play, and our tv area is much more relaxing now that it isn't covered in toys.  

Its really fun to see how a little rearranging can make something work soooo much better!  So what have you shuffled in your house lately?  Anyone else with a room that makes them itchy?