
Saturday, June 4, 2016

Saturday Stuff

Well hi and happy Saturday!  I hope you all are having a great weekend!  So I've been thinking recently that I need a space on the blog were I can fill you in on any and all randomness in my life.  A place for a brain dump if you will.  And so, Saturday Stuff has been born!  Anything I'm loving, curious about, fun things we've tried, all that goodness- you'll be able to find it here!

First up, my new favorite lunch!  I've been trying to eat a bit more healthily, and get loads of veggies in my diet.  This veggie wrap consists of hummus, red bell pepper, tomato, dill pickles and bib lettuce, and it is scrumptious!  Definitely something that you can customize to your personal veggie preferences :)  And on the side, some fruit!  When I can get a super sweet red grapefruit, I am all about it!!

This week, I was looking for something fun and easy to do with the kiddos one afternoon, and came across an awesome recipe for playdoh!  2 cups cornstarch to 1 cup hair conditioner or lotion, plus your food coloring of choice, and that's it!  It smells amazing, and makes a really silky smooth playdoh.  The kids spent a solid two hours playing with it, and it kept great in a little glass mason jar.

Have any of you tried Stitch Fix?  I've heard a bit about it, and seen a handful of bloggers review it, but I haven't taken the plunge yet.  Mainly because the individual clothing pieces seemed to be a little bit out of my price range.  But, I feel like now my wardrobe is made up of really great staples that I love, and I'd be willing to splurge a little bit on a handful of special pieces to round out my wardrobe :)  If you've tried it, let me know what you think!

That's it for today, enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Bathroom Nook Update!

Well hello and happy Monday!  I hope you had a great weekend :)  Ours was spent catching up with friends and spending quality time as a family, and it was exactly what I needed!  Over the weekend, I managed to finish one little detail in our bathroom nook so I could call it good for now.  So, here we are with the reveal!

Well, not quite yet.  First I should probably show you what it looked like before:

Yikes right?!  One of the first things we did when we moved in (and I'm talking within a week or two) was upgrade the toilet.  All three bathrooms had teeny tiny toilets that liked to rock and bang whenever you sat on them.  Which was not awesome.  So our main potty was in need of an upgrade, immediately. Since we were going to have the toilet out, and I already knew I didn't like the avocado green and tan walls, Dano had me pick out a paint color so we could paint behind the toilet properly.  You know, without leaving an upainted square spot behind the toilet.  That no one would ever see.  But somebody is a perfectionist, and wantedthatwallcompletelypainteddarnit!  (that perfectionist is NOT me by the way).  Anyway, I picked out a moody gray, we painted enough to put the toilet in, installed said toilet, and that is where the updated ended.  For 2.5 years, this tiny little nook sat in all its tri colored glory.  But at least the toilet was so.much.better.  We got a Kohler Elliston, and its pretty much perfection in a porcelain throne.  Clean, modern lines, not so big it overwhelms our small space, but not so small you get stuck to the seat.  We like it so much that we put one in the downstairs bath too!

So while the space functioned just fine, I knew we could make it better.  The shower is fairly small,  but having the curtain rod positioned right at the top edge of the shower insert really made it feel closed off.  My plan for this space was to hang a curved shower curtain rod much closer to the ceiling, helping the shower feel much more open, finish painting, add a shelf for a little practical storage, and artwork to dress it up a bit.  Here's what we ended up with:

The big white shower curtain against those dark walls feels much brighter and cleaner.  And having that shower curtain up high really makes the space feel larger!

The shelf I just made from some scrap wood in the garage, stained Ebony, and hung with two L brackets.  Super simple, but it adds a little storage and beautification.  And that mirror.  Ohmygoodness makes me so happy!  I originally wanted to hang some simple prints in here, but when Target came out with this at Christmas time,  I knew I needed it in my life.  So I waited for it to go on sale, and picked this bad boy up for $10!  Having a mirror in here to help bounce around light is fantastic.  And its shaped like a star.  What more do you need?!

This space is so awkward to photograph,  but I'm so happy with how it turned out!  I finally got around to hemming the shower curtain, which I accidentally purchased like a foot too long.  And now its a bright, fresh space with no more guacamole on the walls!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Hey! Hi! How are you?

Friends!!!  It has been a minute.  Or maybe more like a year or so.  But who's counting?!  Well, I was chugging along here on my little blog, but then life got hectic, and I felt like my content was a little meh.  So I took a break.  And one month turned into one year so fast!  But I'm feeling more and more here recently that I miss this space, and you guys, and the creative outlet, and just all of it.  Soooooo I'm back!

Now, I've been itching to get back here.  But I was trying out this new thing called patience, and trying to sort out exactly what I wanted this space to be.  Was it going to be more family related stuff?  Strictly DIY?  Would I have a strict '3 posts a week' schedule?  Then I tried giving the blog a little facelift, and that didn't go quite as planned.  And I realized I was dragging my heels rather than getting back to what I love.  Which is just writing.  And being creative.  And just talking and sharing and over sharing with you people!

So that's what I'm going to do! And I'd love your feedback about what you'd like to see!  More DIY? More life updates?  Oh, and we've made a few changes around the house over the last year, would you like me  to go back and show you those updates?  It's going to be a bit of a mish mosh around here, but I'm looking forward to just seeing where this thing goes!!