
Monday, May 13, 2013

Gilded garbage

Good morning and happy Monday!  I hope everyone had a lovely Mother's Day :)  My weekend was filled with pools, family, fun and relaxation.  It was everything I hoped it would be!  And this little project I'm sharing with you today came in handy!  But I'm getting ahead of myself ;)

So I was cleaning out my spice cabinet the other day and came across this empty red wine vinegar bottle.  Does anyone else go to throw something away and go 'no, wait, I can make something with that!'?  No? #boarderlinehoarder

Well, I really liked the shape of this bottle, and thought it would make a super cute vase!  So, I soaked off the label, and used a razor blade to get all of the sticky residue off.  Then I gathered my supplies.

A little gold paint to give this little glass bottle a bit of glam :)

Since I didn't want to just paint the entire bottle gold, I sectioned it off with some painters tape.

This gold color is really beautiful!  A light, soft gold, nothing too bright or brassy.

I was instantly in love as I started the first coat!  I actually considered leaving it really sheer like this :)

But I went for two coats, and I really love the result :)  A pretty translucent gold.

Then I brushed two coats on between my pieces of tape.

Make sure to take the tape right off, so your paint doesn't stick to it.  I didn't get a picture of me applying the ribbon, but after this step I decided it needed a little something around the top of the bottle.  I just used some skinny burlap ribbon I had lying around :)

And voila!  Here it is, holding my Mother's Day flowers :)  I was so glad I had this cute little vase to put them on display!

So there's a little trash-to-treasure makeover for ya!  What have you rescued from the garbage recently? See any potential vases in your future?


  1. Hi. My name is Krissy and I have a cabinet full of Starbucks Espresso Glass bottles, Chambord containers, and other random bottles/jars WAITING to be painted. I keep putting it off until kids are on Summer break, or waiting to do re-do a room etc. I think my oldest said something 'Remember those bottles you said we could paint???'

    Really, it's a problem and the first step is admitting it! Haha! It will happen, soon!

    1. I hear you! I feel like I always have to wait until I find a spot for something to actually make it over. Maybe one day they'll all be painted :)

  2. Glass etching cream would also give a great affect and you never have to worry that it might 'scratch' off. I've done it on wine glasses using the surround from old scrapbooking letters (to make a monogram).
