In the midst of the holiday madness, I've been trying to work on some projects for P too. And this past week, I created a little painting for her room!
My guys worked on a little 'painting' too :)
There wasn't a whole lot of scientific method involved. I just sorta eyeballed the spacing I liked. And I wasn't super precise about how filled in the stencil was. I liked the kinda faded/rough look it gave it. (a perfectionist, I am not)
Then, to make sure I wrote in a straight line, I laid out three lines with painters tape. (so maybe I have a LITTLE perfectionist in me :P)
I had typed the quote up on the computer, and tried to just recreate the look of the font I used.
Here's were the 'in progress' part happened. I really wanted this to be all pink and gray, which is the colors I'm going for in her room. So, I pulled out this pink and started painting over my lettering.
But it just sorta got lost in the gray stencil. And I wanted the quote to stand out. In hindsight, I probably should have done the stencil in pink, and the lettering in gray. Live and learn! But, before I painted over the whole thing and started over, I wanted to try something else.
Enter plan B- Black :) I painted over the letters, and it definitely made the quote stand out more!
Finished, for now!
I love it, but can't help but think it needs a little something else. Maybe some pretty pink flowers? A feather or two? Some glitter? I can't decide. What do you think? Maybe once I get it hung up in her pink room, I'll decide that the simplicity works best. We shall see!