This is what it looks like from our bedroom door. With the exception of the gray nightstand and the bed, all of the other furniture came with the house we are renting. Its not my flavor, but we have to work with it. The closed door you see is our little bathroom. I'd love to update that big black and white picture on the left, and maybe put some color on those boring walls.
The wall opposite the bathroom is dominated by sliding glass doors. They offer a lot of light, but not a lot of options to rearrange furniture.
And this is the view from the bathroom door. Little man's diaper changing area, and cloth diaper pail, are in our room. We can move it, but it has just worked well in here! We'll see what happens as we make little changes :)
Oh and here is the color palette I am working with! Just the big squares, I couldn't figure out how to get the little complementary squares to go away. One day I WILL be more tech savvy, just not today :) The top three colors are the dominant colors, with the two on the bottom row being accents. I'd love to put that taupe in the upper left corner on the walls! I picked all of these colors out on the Benjamin Moore Color Capture app. Its free, and totally awesome! If you have a smart phone, check it out!
So thats our master bedroom, in all its bland glory! I can't wait to inject some life into this space!
p.s. I'm linking up today with A Bowl Full of Lemons. Check it out!
Just to let you know I am obsessed with your blog=) I have an idea for you to inject a little color in a quick, and fairly cheap way. I would start with finding a curtain(for the sliding glass door) with the pops of color that you are looking to direct the rest of the room towards. It will brighten it up immediately and also give you a jumping off point to work from!