
Monday, June 24, 2013

12 wks!

Hello and happy Monday!  I hope you had a fantastic weekend.  We spent it running errands, catching up with friends, and hanging out as a family. 

So I hit a milestone this week- the end of the first trimester!  Boy did that happen fast!  I had a little bit of a 'whoa this is happening REALLY fast'  moment this weekend.  I still have a long way to go, but reaching week 12 made this go from surreal to real :)

This was a good week!  I've felt much better, with almost no nausea.  My energy has been higher, I'm sleeping better, and I have more desire to be active.  I'm truly looking forward to having these feelings improve throughout my second trimester.  And having my energy back certainly helps me keep up with my wiggly little guy :)

This week I feel like I truly look pregnant all the time too.  Before I had days where it seemed noticeable, and days when it wasn't, but now my belly is a definite presence. 
Oh and fun bit of randomness.  So I was sitting in the office with Dano one night, and I got hit with an almost painful craving for biscuits and gravy!!  I wanted some sooooo badly I considered going to Cracker Barrel at 9 at night lol.  And my nose is still out of control.  Doesn't really make me sick, but if I smell something yummy, I WANT it!  Ah pregnancy, so much fun :)
So how was your weekend?  Have a great day!

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